MindChamps Enrichment Academy
Founded in Sydney in 1998, with the goal of filling the gaps that exist in global education, MindChamps began as a research institute using research from the areas of Education, Psychology and Neuroscience to better understand how the learning brain grows and develops, and expertise from the world of Theatre to understand how to better engage the young learner and ‘lead the imagination’.
MindChamps Enrichment Academy is the only enrichment organisation in the world to offer programmes based on the revolutionary 3-Mind Education Model: The Champion Mind instills peseverance and confidence; The Learning Mind promotes academic excellence; and the Creative Mind frees the imagination and inspires concept creation, enabling students to face a rapidly changing world with 100% Respect and Zero Fear. This 3-Mind model was introduced in the 2007 book The 3-Mind Revolution, co-authored by MindChamps Founder CEO David Chiem and MindChamps Dean of Research and Programme Development, Brian Caswell.
MindChamps’ unique, research-based Art of Learning programme equips students with Learning-How-to-Learn techniques and thinking skills which can be applied to schoolwork and beyond. With the Art of Learning, students move from feeling overwhelmed by the vast amount information they have to absorb to achieving an active understanding of it and then storing that understanding effectively so they can recall and actively apply it confidently.
MindChamps’ proprietary Optimal Flow MethodTM helps students connect new information to concepts they have already learnt for a new and more complete understanding. The Optimal Flow MethodTM utilises the latest research from the MindChamps Research, Advisory & Programme Development team on how the brain learns best and then plays to its strengths. The Optimal Flow MethodTM has enabled students to achieve outstanding PSLE results for English, Maths, Science and Chinese as verified by KMPG in Singapore.*
The Champion Mindset is the brainchild of MindChamps’ Chair of Research, the renowned neuroscientist Emeritus Professor Allan Snyder, Fellow of the Royal Society and is the culmination of decades-long research into neuroscience. The Champion Mindset is deeply embedded in every aspect of MindChamps’ research-backed programmes to nurture students to develop their own Champion Mindset and the skills, strengths and resilience that will prepare them to face future challenges.
*These results have been verified by KPMG in Singapore to supporting records provided by the Company, based on specified procedures in accordance with the Singapore Standard on Related Services SSRS 4400 Engagements to Perform Agreed-upon Procedures Regarding Financial Information.
Discount for NTUAC Members: Enjoy $180 Savings and Waiver of Registration Fee (Worth $80) on Termly and Non-Termly Programmes
Terms & Conditions:
* Termly Programmes include: Natural Literacy, MindChamps Reading and Primary Success Programme (P1-P5)
* Non-Termly Programmes include: PSLE Success Programme and Art of Learning (P3 to Secondary)
* Valid for 4 Terms Enrolment (Termly Programmes) and Full Programme (non-termly Programmes) only.
* Valid for same Champ to combine terms and subjected between programmes.
* NTU Alumni Membership must be presented to enjoy the promotion.
* Not valid for transfer between Centres.
* Enquire about MindChamps Enrichment Academy programmes via 8332 0020 or email admissions@mindchamps.org and Quote MCNTUAL to redeem this corporate promotion.
* No pro-ration of savings will be accorded. Not valid in conjunction with other promotions, privileges or savings.
* Valid for participating MindChamps Enrichment Academy Centres only. Refer to full list of centres here.
Refer to full list of centres and their operating hours here.
Contact Information
+65 6828 2651 (WhatsApp)
Additional Details
Opening Hours
Refer to full list of centres and their operating hours here.