#5 ASCEND Network – F.I.R.E Movement
Learn about F.I.R.E, a financial movement that has taken Singapore by storm in recent years. F.I.R.E, an acronym for Financial Independence, Retire Early, is a financial movement that advocates for making financial decisions that allows one to retire at a significantly earlier age than what is common.
In this session of The ASCEND Network, the flagship networking event initiated by NTU Alumni Club, participants get to look forward to the following:
- Understand the types of F.I.R.E style
- Tips and insights into F.I.R.E from distinguished individuals in their own fields:
- Won Wai Hon (Private Banker, Emirates NBD)
- Hoe Ee Wern (General Manager, RABC Group)
- Ng Lee Lee (Contract Manager, HSL Constructor Pte Ltd)
- Networking through interactive activities
- Scrumptious mini buffet lunch
FEES: Member $10 | Non-member $20 | New members Free
Register now to secure your networking spot!
For enquiries, email us at events@ntualumni.org.sg