The Nanyang Technological Institute Alumni Association (NTIAA) was formed in 1986 when the University was then known as Nanyang Technological Institute (NTI). The alumni idea was first mooted by a group of pioneer graduates who had expressed interest in maintaining links with their fellow graduates and alma mater.
When NTI was inaugurated as Nanyang Technological University in 1991, the NTIAA too, went through a facelift and was officially re-named as the NTU Alumni in the same year.
From a humble beginning at the old NIE campus at Bukit Timah, today the NTU Alumni Club is located at One-North, Buona Vista with a host of amenities and services for its elite members, which include graduates from the Nanyang University, Nanyang Technological Institute, Nanyang Technological University, National Institute of Education, National University of Singapore and other international universities. Together with the NTU Campus at One-North, the Club facilitates business networking and continuing education for graduates within its fraternity.
Widely recognised for its pioneering roles in technology advancements and innovative ventures, NTU and its alumni play a fundamental role in developing a generation that will serve its nation well into the 21st century and beyond. The Alumni Club is looking forward to the challenges of the future, which includes nurturing the alumni to play a more vital role in the development of their alma mater and developing the Alumni Club into the umbrella organisation for all graduates.
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