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Free Health Checkup

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Free Health Checkup

Free Health Checkup

242 242 people viewed this event.


Members Exclusive: Take a step towards a healthier you with a FREE health checkup conducted by Fitness Tutor. Don’t miss this opportunity to prioritize your well-being. From blood pressure checks to lipid and diabetes profiles, we’ve got you covered. It’s time to make your health a priority and discover the steps you can take to feel your best! Sign up before 24 Oct 2023, 12pm.

Members only | 21 years old & above | 8h fasting before screening 

For enquiries, email us at, WhatsApp 80200299 or call 97513400.


Date And Time

27-10-2023 || 09:00 AM to
27-10-2023 || 11:00 AM



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